EB-Day z HP inc.

We are happy to invite you for HP Inc Branding Day that will take place

Nov 21st, Tuesday between 9-15 pm at University of Economics Campus, building E.

Our HP team will be there, with a colorful stand, ready to tell you how it is like to work at HP Inc Wroclaw Center and how you can start your career with us and grow!

Our current and former interns will share their insights on working experiences and the development process they have gone through during the internship.

What is more, with support of our managers and recruiters you will be able to have CV’s consultation and get some interview hints to prepare yourself better for the recruitment process.

And last, but not least, on the fun part, we will haveHP Quiz with small gifts accompanied by sweet treat and coffee! 😊 Sounds appealing? Let’s meet and chat!

More details

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